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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 33(6); 1990 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1990;33(6): 1211-7.
Utilization of CO<sub>2</sub> Laser in Otolaryngologic Field
Myung Jin Lee, MD, Howe Young Ahn, Md, Eun Yeol Chang, MD, Seung Geun Yeo, MD, Nam Pyo Hong, MD, and Chang Il Cha, MD
Department of Otolaryngology, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Korea
이비인후과 영역에서의 CO<sub>2</sub> 레이저 이용
이명진 · 안회영 · 장은열 · 여승근 · 홍남표 · 차창일
경희대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실

Currently, the carbon dioxide(CO2), argon, and neodymium : YAG(Nd : YAG) lasers enjoy the most widespread use in Otolaryngologic surgery. And the clinical application is determined by their specific wavelengths and tissue responses. The carbon dioxide(CO2) laser was first introduced into laryngeal surgery by Jaco and Strong in 1972, and since that time has been used for wider varieties of surgical indications in head and neck surgery. The 98 patients who had head & neck diseases underwent CO2 laser surgery from January 1984 through July 1989 and were analyzed by disease, sites of lesion, and number of the operation. We concluded that carbon dioxide laser surgery is very useful method in otolaryngologic fields when : 1) Precise surgery is needed to preserve function. 2) Postoperative edema might be a cause of respiratory embarrassment. 3) Postoperative scarring might be a cause of dysfunction. 4) Bleeding from friable or vascular lesions would make their precise removal difficult. We hope that this paper will provide the otolaryngologist with current manual on the judicious use of the laser in surgical procedure.

Keywords: CO<sub>2</sub> laserOtolaryngologic field.
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