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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 33(5); 1990 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1990;33(5): 961-8.
Clinical Evaluation of Flexible Fiberoptic Nasopharyngolaryngoscopy in Otolaryngologic Field
Yong Bok Kim, MD, Jae Min Lee, MD, Myung Jin Lee, MD, Nam Pyo Hong, MD, Hwoe Young Ahn, MD, and Chang Il Cha, MD
Department of Otolaryngology, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Korea
이비인후과에서 화이버내시경의 임상적 이용
김용복 · 이재민 · 이명진 · 홍남표 · 안회영 · 차창일
경희대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실

The flexible fiberscope has been increased in its use recently for otolaryngologists and it has been known that easy, safe, accurate and reliable method for examining the upper aerodigestive tract. Also it affords good photographic records. We performed the clinical study on 1,116 cases who were underwent the fiberscopy during the period from February 1984 till August 1988 in Otolaryngologic Department of Kyung Hee University Hospital. We obtained the results as follow ; 1) The use of the fiberscope was increased in otolaryngologic field. Annual distribution was 1.9% at total No. of OPD patients in 1984, 2.8% in 1985, 4.1% in 1986, 5.9% in 1987, 3.8% in 1988. 2) The total number of patients was 1,116(male 687, female 429). The ratio of male to female was 3 : 2. The most common age group was 5th decade(21.4%). 3) The chief complaints were hoarseness(61.6%), neck discomfort(25.1%), dysphagia(21.8%), neck mass(16.7%), dysphonia(7.0%) in order. 4) Duration from the development of symptoms to the first visit at OPD was variable. Patients visited the OPD within 2 months mostly. 5) Main interested areas were hypopharynx and larynx(93.6%), nasal cavity and nasopharynx(3.5%), oral cavity(1.8%), trachea(1.5%) in order. 6) The clinical impression by fiberscopic finding were laryngeal cancer(12.9%), laryngeal papilloma(11.9%), laryngeal polyp(9.6%), laryngeal nodule(7.8%), vocal paralysis(7.0%) in order. 7) Pathologic diagnosis were laryngeal nodule(44.5%), laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma(14.6%), laryngeal papilloma(9.7%), chronic inflammation(7.9%), hyperkeratosis(3.3%) in order. The insufficient sample for pathologic diagnosis was 15 cases. The sensitivity of fiberscopic findings to pathologic diagnosis was 97.4%.

Keywords: Flexible fiberopticNasopharyngolaryngoscopy.
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