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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 39(3); 1996 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1996;39(3): 513-21.
A Clinical Study of Facial Bone Fractures
Hae Song Ki, MD
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Kwang Ju Veterans Hospital, Kwang Ju, Korea
안면골 골절의 임상적 연구
광주 보훈병원 이비인후과

Author statistically analysed 33 cases of facial bone fractures, excluding 58 cases of nasal bone fractures, from May, 1994, to September, 2005 in age and sex distribution, cases, symptoms and signs, anatomical locations, paranasal sinus involvement, and treatments. The following results were obtained. 1) The age incidence was the highest in 3 rd decade(24.2%), and 25 cases(75.8%) were in male and 8 cases(24.2%) were in famale. 2) The most common cause of injuries was motor vehicle accident. 3) The most common symptoms and signs were pain, tenderness and swelling. 4) Multiple facial bone fractures were more frequent(60.6%). Mandible was the most common in single bone fractures. 5) Anatomical location of facial injuried were, in order of frequencies, zygoma and arch(36.4%), maxilla(33.3%), and mandible(18.2%). 6) In zygoma and arch fractures, tripod fraquent was the most common(50.0%). 7) in mailla fractures, LeFort type II was more frequent(54.6%). 8) Orbit was frequently involved(81.8%). Medial wall and floor fractures occurred in 33.3%, respectively. 9) Facial bone fractures involving paranasal sinuses were internal fixation with mini-or microplates and screws. 10) Most cases were treated by open reduction and rigid internal fixation with mini- or microplates and screws.

Keywords: Facial bone fracturesRigid internal fixation.
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