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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 30(4); 1987 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1987;30(4): 567-72.
A Clinical Study of the Thyroid Nodules
Bo Young Moon, MD, Sang Sun Kil, MD, Ki Soo Oh, MD, Sam Heun Kwon, MD, and Yong Ju Yoon MD
Department of Otolaryngology, College of Medicine, Chon Buk National University, Korea
갑상선결절의 임상적 고찰
문보영 · 길상선 · 오기수 · 권삼현 · 윤용주
전북대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실

Thirty four patients with thyroid nodules, admitted and operated at the department of otolaryngology, Chon Buk University hospital, from June. 1985 to December. 1986, were analyzed and following results were obtained. : 1) Among to total 34 cases, 32 cases (94.1%) had benign and 2 cases (5.9%) were malignant nodules. 2) Sex distribution revealed preponderance of female with the ratio of 33 : 1 in total cases. 3) Age distribution were prevalent (32.4%) in fourth decade. 4) The duration of illness within 3 months was most common in 41.1% of total cases. 5) The most prominant symptom and sign was palpable nodule in the anterior aspect the Neck (100%) and next fatigability (18%). 6) The location of the nodules was 62% in right lobe, 29% in left lobe, 6% in both lobes, 3% in isthmus. 7) Among the 23 cases checked with I131 uptake test, 73.9% were within normal limit. Radioactive iodine scintiscans were performed in 23 cases and revealed cold nodules in 21 cases (91.3%). 8) The histopathological classifications of benign diseases were adenoma 24 cases (75%), Adenomatous goiter 5 cases (16%), cyst 3 cases (9%). The frequency of malignant diseases were papillary adenocarcinoma in all cases. 9) The most commonly performed operative procedure was total thyroid lobectomy (64.7%). 10) Postoperative complications were noted mild bleeding in 5 cases (14.7%), transient hoarseness in 3 cases (8.8%).

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