Central Projections of Afferent Vestibular Fibers by Scratch Method in Mongolian Gerbils |
Seung Chul Lee, MD1, Won-Sang Lee, MD2, Hee-Nam Kim, MD2, and In-Yong Park, MD2 |
1;Department of Otolaryngology, Inha University, College of Medicine, Sungnam, 2;Department of Otolaryngology, Yonsei University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea |
찰과착색법에 의한 들쥐 구심성 전정신경의 중추신경계 투사 |
이승철1 · 이원상2 · 김희남2 · 박인용2 |
인하대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실1;연세대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실2; |
The central projection from each peripheral vestibular organ in mongolian gerbil were inverstigated by applying horseradish peroxidase extracellularly after scratching each crista and macula. Neuroepithelum of each crista and macula was scratched selectively with an electrolytically. Harpened fine needle and the vestiblue was filled up with 30% horseradish peroxidase solution. Forty eight hours after applying HRP, 100μm serial sections of brainstem were made. The tissue was processed for histologic examination with the diaminobenzidine procedure of cobalt-glucose oxidase method. The primary afferent fibers from the superior semicircular canal projected to the entire area of superior vestibular nucleus, ventral and dorsal part of lateral vestibular nucleus, rostral end of descending vestibular nucleus, rostor-dorsal part and
caudo-ventral part of medial vestibular nucleus. The fibers from the lateral semicircular canal
projected to the lateral part of superior vestibular nucleus, ventro-lateral part of lateral vestibular nucleus, ventral part of descending vestibular nucleus, dorsal and
of lateral part of rostral medial vestibular nucleus. The fibers from posterior vestibular nucleus projected to the dorso-lateral part of superior vestibular nucleus, medial part of rostral end of descending vestibular nucleus, rostro-dorsal part and caudo-ventral part of medial vestibular nucleus, and interstitial nucleus. The fibers from the utricle projected to the lateral part of superior vestibular nucleus, ventral part of lateral
vestibular nucleus, lateral part of descending vestibular nucleus, rostro-central part and caudo-dorsal part of medial vestibular nucleus. The fibers from the
saccule projected to the periphery of superior vestibular nucleus, lateral part of lateral vestibular nucleus, entire area of descending vestibular nucleus, ventral and dorsal part of rostral medial vestibular nucleus, interstitial nucleus, and group Y. Above results suggest that all the major vestbular nuclei except the lateral vestibular nucleus are functionally related to all of each peripheral vestibular organ and different imformations from each
peripheral vestibular organ transfer to each specific areas in the major vestibular nuclei. To clarify the functional significance of these results, the further study of the upper central pathways and neurophysiological study related to the vestibular reflex arcs will be needed. |
Peripheral vestibular organㆍVestibular afferent nerveㆍCentral projectionㆍVestibular nucleus. |