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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 39(2); 1996 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1996;39(2): 240-4.
Endoscopic Sinus Surgery for the Treatment of the Nasal Polyposis
Tae Hyun Shin, MD, Dong Hoon Kim, MD, and Seung Heon Shin, MD
Department of Otolaryngology, School of Medicine, Catholic University of Taegu Hyosung, Taegu, Korea
부비동 내시경을 이용한 비용종의 치료
신태현 · 김동훈 · 신승헌
대구 효성가톨릭대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실

Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) is an effective treatment for chronic or recurrent sinusitis. The endoscope used in FESS allow direct visualization of the diseased tissue and FESS is a functional procedure that addresses the restoration of physiologic mucociliary clearance, enabling the sinus mucosa to return its normal condition after the procedure. This study is aimed to evaluate correlation between post-operative symptom improvement and computed tomographic finding in patient with nasal polyps. For this retrospective study of endoscopic sinus surgery, chart of 111 patients were reviewed and preoperative complaints, clinical findings, computed tomographic evidence of extent of sinus disease, surgical outcome and complication were considered. The nasal stuffiness was the most common major symptom of nasal polyposis and 79% of these patients had improvement of their symptoms with first endoscopic surgery and the total number of opacified sinuses were correlated with the recurrence of the disease. The computed tomgraphic extent of disease was found to be a predictive for statistical outcome.

Keywords: Endoscopic Sinus SurgeryPolypPNS CT.
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