Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1994;37(5): 1082-6. |
A Case of Cerebral Hernia in Mastoid Cavity |
Young Doo Kim, MD, Jun Yeol Wyee, MD, Tae Bong Lee, MD, and Hae Soo Park, MD |
Department of Otolaryngology, Masan Koryo General Hospital, Masan, Korea |
유양동 뇌허니아의 1례 |
김영두 · 위준열 · 이태봉 · 박해수 |
마산 고려병원 이비인후과 |
Cerebral tissue herniation into the middle ear or mastoid are encountered infrequently by the otologist and, therefore, may be misdiagnosed. It might be related to chronic ear infection, previous ear surgery, trauma to the temporal bone, or congenital abnormalities. With advent of antibiotics and improved surgical technique, endaural cerebral hernia has become relatively rare. The authors report a case of cerebral hernia in the mastoid occurring as an insidious complication of chronic otitis media coincidentally discovered at the time of surgery. Pathology and pathogenesis are reviewed and discussed.
Brain herniaㆍEncephaloceleㆍMastoiditis cerebriㆍEndaural cerebral hernia. |