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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 37(5); 1994 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1994;37(5): 986-92.
Aspergillosis and Mucormycosis of the Paranasal Sinuses
Kyung Su Kim, MD, Joo Heon Yoon, MD, Jeung Gweon Lee, MD, In Yong Park, MD, and Eun Seo Kim, MD
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
부비동의 국균증과 모균증
김경수 · 윤주헌 · 이정권 · 박인용 · 김은서
연세대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실

Thirty-four cases of fungal sinusitis(29 cases of aspergillosis and 5 cases of mucormycosis) from March 1989 to February 1992 were investigated to analyze the predisposing factors, operative methods, accordance of involved sites between operative findings and computed tomogram of the paranasal sinuses, usefullness of antifungal agents and postoperative results. Eighty two percent of the paranasal fungal sinusitis occurred in healthy individuals, and the radical surgery such as Caldwell-Luc operation was one of the most effective treatment modalities. The fungus ball was identified only in 55.2% off the aspergillosis. There were no recurrences in all cases except for cases with intracranial extension or systemic dissemination with the minimal follow-up of one year. Our experience indicates that the fungal sinusitis might occur mainly in healthy individuals rather than debilitating patients regardless of its pathogen and it could be efficiently treated with radical surgery alone. However, the antifungal agents should be combined in cases with intracranial extension or systemic dissemination with a limited effect. A new and more effective antifungal drug with minimal side effects should be anticipated. 

Keywords: AspergillosisMucormycosisParanasal sinuses.
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