2 Cases of Papillary Adenocarcinoma Originating in Thyroglossal Duct Remnants |
Kwang Hyun Kim, MD1, Man Kee Paik, MD1, Yong Sik Lee, MD1, Chung Hwan Baek, MD1, Yong Il Kim, MD2 |
1;Department of Otolaryngology, 2;Pathology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Korea |
갑상설관 잔유조직에서 발생한 유두상 선암 2례 |
김광현1 · 백만기1 · 이용식1 · 백정환1 · 김용일2 |
서울대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실1;병리학교실2; |
Two cases of papillary adenocarcinoma originating in the thyroglossal duct remnants are presented. This lesion is a relatively rare one, occurring is less than 1% of benign thyroglossal duct abnomalities. In the literature, 89 cases have been reported, with papillary adenocarcinoma accounting for the vast majority(75-85%) of the lesions. Therapy should be indivisualized, based on the pathologic findings with a combination of surgical and medical procedures. Distant metastasis was very rare and the long term prognosis was very excellent.