Clinical Evaluation on Palatopharyngoplasty for Cure of Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome |
Yong Bae Lee, MD, Gyoo Ryong Chai, MD, Byung Soo Kim, MD, Nam Mi Park, MD, and Jae Hoon Park, MD |
Department of Otolaryngology, Koryo General Hospital, Seoul, Korea |
수면 무호흡 증후군과 코골음에 대한 구개인두성형술의 임상적 고찰 |
이용배 · 채규룡 · 김병수 · 박남미 · 박재훈 |
고려병원 이비인후과 |
Snoring is due to combined effect of several anatomic and physiologic abnormalities in the nasal and pharyngeal segments of the airway. Surgical resection of physiologically unneeded oropharyngeal tissue can completely stop a large part of social snoring problem. It may be amenable to surgical therapy when the severity of the problem warrant it. From 1984 to 1986, the authors encountered 20 cases of palatopharyngoplasty for cure of the snoring and the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and the following results were obtained. 1) The age distribution showed most common in 5th decade(55%) and the sex ratio of male to female was 3 : 1 and predominant in male. 2) The symptoms of the patients were snoring in 20 cases(100%), daytime sleepness in 19 cases(95%), early morning headache in 15 cases(75%), nasal stuffiness in 14 cases(70%), easy fatigability in 11 cases(55%) in order. 3) The duration of the symptoms were 5-9 years in 13 cases(65%), 0-4 years in 5 cases(25%) and over 10 years in 2 cases(10%). 4) The physical findings of the patients showed the abnormality in the pharyngeal mucosa, oropharyngeal space and posterior tonsillar pillar in all the cases of the patients, the hypertrophied uvular in 16 cases(80%), and the enlarged tongue in 13 cases(65%) of the patients. 5) The nasopharyngoscopic findings in soft palate showed
degree obstruction in 17 cases(85%), and in the hypopharynx showed + or
degree obstruction in cases(85%) of the patients. 6) The sleep apnea index were over five times per hour in the 16 cases(80%) of the patients. 7) Postoperatively, the daytime sleepiness improved in 19 cases(95%), the snoring improved in 18 cases(90%), and the sleep Apnea Index improved in 17 cases(85%). 8) The chief complication of the patients were postoperative bleeding in 3 cases, distruption of suture in 2 cases and respiratory difficulty in 2 cases. |