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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 27(4); 1984 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1984;27(4): 340-5.
A Case of Neuroblastoma of the Neck
IK Jae Lee, MD, Kwang Il Kim, MD, Hwoe Young Ahn, MD, and Chang Il Cha, MD
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Korea
원발성 경부 신경아세포종 - 증례보고 -
이익재 · 김광일 · 안회영 · 차창일
경희대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실

Neuroblastoma has been bescribed as a malignant tumor that arises from sympathetic ganglion cells and, as such, may occur in any area of the body where these cells are found. It is the most common soft tissue malignant neoplasm in childhood. Although metastasis of neuroblastomas to the head and neck from more common primary sites in the abdomen, pelvis, or thorax is common, to our knowledge, well-documented primary head and neck lesions are quite rare. The prognosis of invasive neuroblastoma of the head and neck is poor, with rapid and widespread metastasis being the rule. However, some success has been reported with early and massive therapy that involves surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. The authors experienced a case of neuroblastoma of the neck. A 14-year old female, whose chief complaint was progressive difficulty in respiration for four to two weeks, was admitted to the hospital. We report this case with review of the literatures.

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