Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1983;26(1): 38-42. |
The Histological Observation of Nasal Mucosa in Allergic Rhinitis of Positive Reaction with Allergen Skin Test |
Han Jin Goh, MD |
Department of Otolaryngology, College of Medicine, Busan National University, Korea |
알레르기 皮膚反應檢査 陽性인 者의 鼻粘膜의 組織學的 考察 |
高漢珍 |
釜山大學校 醫科大學 耳鼻咽喉科學敎室 |
The author observed about histological findings of nasal mucosa in allergic rhinitis who were revealed positive reactions with allergen skin test at ENT Allergic Clinic of Busan National University Hospital. The subjects of observation were 94 cases, in which cases of positive were 66 cases (inhalant, food and inhalant & food allergen) and cases of negative reaction of allergen skin test were 28 cases. For obtain of results, compare with each other's histological findings of nasal mucosa of positive and negative reaction. So the results were disclosed as follows : 1) In the cases of positive reaction of allergen skin test, there were noticed increased infiltration of eosinophile and mast cell in the submucosal layer. And noticed also changing to pseudostratified columnal epithelium at anterior portion of inferior turbinate mucosa. 2) There were no significant statistically between positive and negative reaction, on regarding about intercellular edema. Infiltration of small round cells and goblet cells in the submucosa. 3) In the cases of positive reactions in allergen skin test, there were no significance of interkinds of allergen in the histological findings of nasal mucosa.