Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1981;24(3): 343-58. |
Phonetical Survey of the Voice Limit and Voice Register in Korean Elementary School Children |
Young Il Moon, MD |
Department of Otolaryngology, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Korea |
國民學生의 聖域과 換聲音高에 關한 硏究 |
文英一 |
梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 耳鼻咽喉科學敎室 |
Study on the voice limit and voice register of primary school children were made by such scholars as Gutzmann, Weinberg and Sima, and their results agree to a considerable degree. Voice limit is defined as that range of vocal frequencies encompassing both the chest and head voice registers; its extent is from the lowest tone sustainable in the chest voice register to the highest in the head voice register but the voice fry register is not included. The main results reached as the conclusion of this study are as follows. The stage of the progress of the voice limit following the age of children are nearly similar to those studied by Gutzmann and other scholars, but the voice limit was a little wider than that made clear by their studies. The highest limit of the voice was found higher than that shown by their studies. Alteration of registration is located mostly between
c2~d2#. It was also found higher than that shown other studies.