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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 24(3); 1981 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1981;24(3): 286-96.
An Anatomorphological Study on the Korean Laryngeal Cartilages
Young Hyo Lee, MD, Tae Yong Moon, MD, Seock Yong Lee, MD, Soon Il Park, MD, Hee Nam Kim, MD, Kang Mook Yoon, MD, and Sang Yul Shim, MD (Director : Prof. Gill Ryoung Kim, MD)
Department of Otolaryngology, Wonju School of Medical Science, Yonsei University, Korea
한국인의 후두연골에 대한 형태해부학적 연구
이영효 · 문태용 · 이석용 · 박순일 · 김희남 · 윤강묵 · 심상열 (지도 : 김기령)
연세대학교 원주대학 의학부 이비인후과학교실

The recent development of phonetics and the place of the larynx in this action, encouraged us to make a study of the functions, diagnosis, treatment and surgical reconstruction in relation to the phonetics and the larynx. For consideration of the relationship between the larynx and phonation, understanding the essential factors determinating the need for surgical reconstruction, a review of the anatomical structure and findings in 36 cadavers is presented. In the 36 cases, 26 male and 10 female cadavers were examined. The results were as follows; 1) Average angle of the thyroid laminae was 84° in male and 111° in female. 2) The angle of the transected lines of the posterior cricoid laminae was variable in contrast to the mean angle in relation to sex. 3) There were 3 cases (all male or 8.3%) of intercartilagenous fusion between the cricoid cartilage and the first tracheal cartillage. 4) Of the total 72 superior horns, 2 cases had 2 triticeous cartilage attachments (5.6%). 5) In all cases the membranous portion of the total length of the vocal cord was more than half. 6) Of the four shapes of the cricoid articular facet, the oval shaps was most prominate (75% of male and 80% of female). 7) The longitudinal diameter of the left and right cricoid articular facets was almost the same in length, but the longitudinal axis of both cricoid articular facets did not always meet at the midline (4 males and 1 female).

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