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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 12(1); 1969 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1969;12(1): 43-6.
A Case of the Foreign Body in the Peritonsillar Area Causing Intractable Bleeding
Hong Kyung Chung, MD (Director : Prof. Chin Kyu Cho, MD)
Department of Otolaryngology, College of Medicine, Pusan National University, Korea
長期出血을 일으킨 扁桃周圍 異物 症例
鄭弘景 (指導 : 趙軫奎 敎授)
釜山大學校 醫科大學 耳鼻咽喉科學敎室

A 3 year and 4 months old girl was admitted on June 22, 1967, with a chief complaint of massive pharyngeal bleeding. It was gradually developed following direct trauma by a piece of wood on the right peritonsillar area about 10 days prior to admission. She was treated with conservative measure for continuous bleeding, but it was resulted in extremely poor general condition. Fortunately the pharyngeal bleeding was gradually ceased, and she was able to discharge in slightly improved general condition. About one and half months later, she came in the hospital again with complaints of pharyngeal bleeding, unconsciousness and flaccid hemiplegia of the left side of the body. On Sept. 7, 1967, a piece of the wood was removed accidentally from the upper pole of the Rt. palatine tonsil and circulatory disturbance of the right internal carotid artery was detected by angiography. Thereafter left flaccid hemiplegia recovered with no recurrence of pharyngeal bleeding. Patient discharged on Oct. 4, 1967, in good general condition.

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