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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 12(1); 1969 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1969;12(1): 31-6.
A Case of Rhabdomyosarcoma of the Naso-Labial Fold
CS Kim, MD, CG Kim, MD, IY Moon, MD, and HK Kim, MD
Department of Otolaryngology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
全身轉移를 일으킨 鼻脣壁部 橫紋筋肉腫 1例
金宗善 · 金春吉 · 文一榮 · 金弘基
서울大學校 醫科大學 耳鼻咽喉科學敎室

Rhabdomyosarcoma is a very uncommon, highly malignant tumor of striated muscle and tends to dissemiate via the lymphatics in the early stage. A 7-year old child was brought to the OPD in June 3, 1968, with a finger tip sized mass on the left nasolabial fold which was noted about 10 days ago and had been progressively increasing in its sizemore rapidly during the past few days. There was no other complaints. On admission, the mass was removed with gingivolabial incision under the general anesthesia. Pathological report revealed that the tumor was definitely malignant and that its picture was very strongly suggestive of an embryonal type of rhabdomyosarcoma. About two months after the first removal of the mass, 3 or 4 left submaxillary lymph nodes were palpated and progressively enlarged in their size. On the second admission, radical neck dissection was done on Aug. 23, 1968 and biopsy report showed metastatic lesion on the left submaxillary region. About three weeks after the operation, he received cobalt-60 irradiation theraphy for 25 times. On October 18, a finger tip sized hard mass was found on the midportion of the left mandible and there was no bony destruction on roentgenographic study. When the patient visited again on December 26, he had been suffered severe headache and several times of vomiting and abdominal pain with visual disturbance on the left side. And several finger tip sized bony protrusion was found on the cranial bone. On the skull X-ray film, sagital, coronal and parieto-occipital sutures were significantly separated, suggesting intracranial extension. Those symptoms were somewhat relieved about two month later and this boy was dead on April 9, 1969.

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