A 26 year old soldier was admitted to 121st Army Evacuation Hospital in semicomatous state associated with high fever, chilliness, headache and vomiting for 3 days prior to admission. He stated that he had sufferd from intermittent fetid otorrhea, hearing disturbance on right ear since childhood and combined right facial paralysis 3 years prior to admission. On admission, study of mastoid X-ray, examination of spinal fluid and blood were performed, which showed evidence of intracranial complication, facial paralysis and cholesteatomatous otitis media. The operative finding was that the mastoid cells were destructed completely and mastoid area was filled with cholesteatomatous mass. The facial nerve was exposed at the level of transverse portion. The bony plate of tegmen and sinodural angle were destructed, and the extradural abscess was formed. According to these findings the diagnosis was confirmed as cholesteatomatous otitis media associated with facial paralysis, meningitis, subdural abscess and Bezold's abscess. Postoperative course was uneventful with recovery of general condition.