We devised our own in vivo laryngeal phonating model in the canine. At first, we devised specially designed rubber electrode, which is composed of electro-transmissive rubber cocered by electro-insulative rubber, nerve stimulator and humidifier. Under the general IV anesthesia, larynx and trachea was exposed. Two tracheal openings were made. Throuth the upper opening, a small cuffed intubarion tuve was inserted. While infusion of the warm, humidified nitrogen gas into the larynx, RLNs and/or external branches of the SLNs were stinulated with the rubber electrodes and nerve stimulator. Video and audio recordings of the evoked voice were done. Some physiologic studies in the artificial phonation were done. We think this in vivo laryngeal phonating model can be used for the further physiologic studies on phonation, development of the new surgical trchniques on larynx, defining the pathogenesis of the vocal nodule, polyp and contact granuloma and so on.