Simultaneous Treatment of Vestibular Schwannoma and Concurrent Middle Ear Disease Using the Enlarged Translabyrinthine Approach
Hae Eun Noh, Ho Young Lee, Gina Na, In Seok Moon
Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg. 2021;64(5):344-349.   Published online 2021 May 21     DOI:
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Middle Ear Cholesteatoma and Vestibular Schwannoma Resection Followed by Cochlear Implant: Surgical Challenges and Audiological Outcomes
Natalia Carasek, Danielle Cristovão, Lucas Alves Teixeira Oliveira, Fernanda Ferreira Caldas, Fernando Massa Correia, Thais Gomes Abrahão Elias, Rivadávio Amorim, Fayez Bahmad Jr
Journal of Clinical Medicine.2023; 12(22): 7139.     CrossRef